[Powderworks] Shuffling
Randy Van Vliet
Sat, 26 Jan 2002 13:51:40 -0800 (PST)
I just had the wierdest experience. Sometimes I
listen to CD's using Shuffle because most CD's you can
listen to in any order and it doesn't throw me off.
Until I put RW in. My player chose Blot first, then
Drop in the Ocean and then Concrete. It really
disturbed me because i'm so used to the regular track
order. RW really needs to be listened to in sequence
because of the way it builds. The only other CD that
I have noticed that way is Dark Side of the Moon.
Back to anticipating the new release and a larger tour
of the states. I really hope they keep playing the
small clubs, just more than once in San Francisco!
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