[Powderworks] * Tree Announcement
Rich Karakoudas
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 22:06:20 -0500
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and I wasn't worthy enough to get the first tribute cd!
no chance here. I'll go for powerball instead.
can you send me all the contracts too, i want to run them by my solicitor=
From: Midnight Oils Tree [mailto:MOilTree@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2002 17:05
To: MOils List
Subject: [Powderworks] * Tree Announcement
There has been a paucity of Oils shows circulating on the list
for some time. In celebration of the last Fall's wonderful tour
and as an appetizer of more good things to come, I thought I'dGet more fr=
om the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV> and I wa=
sn't worthy enough to get the first tribute cd!</DIV> <DIV>no chance here=
. I'll go for powerball instead.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE styl=
: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">can you send me all the contracts=
too, i want to run them by my solicitor.<BR><BR>From: Midnight Oils Tree=
[mailto:MOilTree@hotmail.com]<BR>Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2002 17:05<B=
R>To: MOils List<BR>Subject: [Powderworks] * Tree Announcement<BR><BR><BR=
>There has been a paucity of Oils shows circulating on the list<BR>for so=
me time. In celebration of the last Fall's wonderful tour<BR>and as=
an appetizer of more good things to come, I thought I'd<BR></BLOCKQUOTE>=
</BODY></HTML><br clear=3Dall><hr>Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explor=
er download : <a href=3D'http://explorer.msn.com'>http://explorer.msn.com=