[Powderworks] "golden age" on WNRN in charlottesville, va
Kevin Jones
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:40:43 -0500
Hi Powderworkers--
WNRN in Charlottesville, VA, USA has "Golden Age" in low rotation right now.
If you want to tune in for a chance of hearing it, I believe it's
dayparted 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. eastern time-- you can listen on the web at
www.wnrn.org. And if you want to give a call and request it, you can do so
(toll free even!) at 866-967-6762 (866-WNRN-ROCKS)... :)
Cheers y'all--
Kev Jones
WNRN Radio
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