[Powderworks] Golden Age/Too Much Sunshine
Dan Heaton
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:21:45 -0800 (PST)
Hey everyone. I finally listened to the new tracks at
home from the web site the another night. The
production is excellent, and both tracks keep the
power they had live back in October.
I think The Golden Age makes a good radio-friendly
single with it's catchy guitar hooks and more
pop-oriented sound. I agree that it resembles "Spirit
of the Age," which is one of my favorite tracks from
recent years. This is a solid track. However, I'm a
much bigger fan of Too Much Sunshine. Unlike Golden
Age, that song will not leave my head and has some
nice original touches. The chorus is repeated a lot,
but it really reasonated with me.
I can't wait to hear the album. Luritja Way was my
favorite of the live tracks I heard, but all of them
seemed impressive. I already ordered the Australian
version to hear the interview track, but I may pick up
the U.S. one also if a good price comes along. I've
never done that before, but I'm really hoping
Capricornia can pick up her in the U.S.
I'm ready for the U.S. tour! Hopefully with a more
extensive tour, I can hop in my car and take in a
bunch of shows here in the Midwest.
P.S. I usually wouldn't put this on the list, but I'm
really looking to try for some more live Oils CDs.
Please e-mail me privately if you're interested.
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