[Powderworks] New Singles?
West, Mike
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 09:55:34 -0500
For me, I think you nailed it.
It's what everyone thinks matters (material) versus what really matters
> ----------
> From: Glitch
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 1:54 PM
> To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
> Subject: FW: [Powderworks] New Singles?
> Today I called my local radio station here in Vermont (they sometimes play
> MO) and asked if they have the latest Midnight Oil single -- they said
> YES, and proceeded to play it! I was so thrilled! In answer to
> Serendipitey:
> Does anyone have any idea as to what Golden Age is about? I read the
> lyrics and I'm pretty puzzled.
> I certainly can't say this with much authority, but having heard the
> song a couple of times and read the lyrics, I'm thinking the following
> about it: Everyone says that "Now" is the best time; things have never
> been better for humankind as far as technological and medical
> advances...but if you look right at it you'll see that not much has
> changed- the shallow materialists still run the world, big brother trying
> to control everything, when all that really matters is the purple patch of
> jacaranda
> Framed in eucalypt from this wooden floored verandah
> which many people fail to notice.
> It's the Golden Age - sure! we've got all kind of modern
> amenities...but what really matters hasn't changed much since the dawn of
> time. The sky is still full of stars, etc.
> Just my take.
> --Glitch Baby.