[Powderworks] FW: Midnight Oil newsletter, Whammo 22Jan02
André Fromme
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 19:06:53 +0100
...although I'm tempted, I guess I'm gonna wait until it gets released
in europe, to boost european sales a bit... ;-)
Jussi Korhonen wrote:
> At 12:36 22.1.2002 +0100, Björn wrote:
>> >Speaking of this, how would it be if you Euroworkers with credit
>> cards order 'Capricornia' for us who >don't have any, so we can buy
>> our copies from you? Paying with those new Euro bills..
> I'm going to buy the album from either Whammo or Chaosmusic once it is
> released (probably the latter since they tend to be faster for me).
> But I'm not preordering it from Whammo since they charge the credit
> card right away which is silly. Anyway I'll be happy to get extra
> copies for any Euro workers who want one. Anyone interested can email
> me privately.
> Jussi
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