[Powderworks] New Singles?
Maurice R. Kelly
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:54:37 +0000 (GMT)
On Jan 21, Serandipitey@aol.com wrote:
> Does anyone have any idea as to what Golden Age is about? I read the lyrics
> and I'm pretty puzzled.
> As for Too Much Sunshine, I haven't really listened to it enough to catch any
> of the lyrics, and there not posted online yet. (to my knowledge)
I'm always tainted - I hear the words "Golden Age" and think of the
Cracker song of the same name. It's a very cynical songs ("This is the
Golden Age - it's hard to imagine with theway, I feel today")
So I'm in two minds about this song - part of me hears the band
celebrating the times (not necessarily of the world, but of a region or a
community) despite depression. It's the opener "All the screens are filled
with heroes and losers, But the sky's still filled with stars" that does
that for me.
At the same time, I think of it in the cynical way - talk of Big Brother,
channel surfers, junky palaces - could be that the band are trying to say
"we live in a life of rising crime, more and more environmental
destruction, and religious and racial intolerance, yet we still think of
these as advanced times - a golden age?"
I am officially rambling - time I started work :-)
Maurice R. Kelly