[Powderworks] Strict rules available from Skinnyfish music
Vesa Laine
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 22:16:54 +0200
Hi powdies, I'm sure many of you find this interesting:
The last remaining copies of "Strict rules", Andrew McMillan's book about the
"Black fella, white fella" tour, are now available from Skinnyfish music. You
can order from their web site <http://www.skinnyfishmusic.com.au>. The price
is US $22. Andrew's new book "An intruder's guide to East Arnhem land" is
also available, as will all his future products.
Skinnyfish music specializes in Aboriginal music, so take a look if you're
interested. They have them all...
P.S. Thanks to Jill Sweetapple for helping me to get in touch with Andrew!