[Powderworks] The singles
Maurice R. Kelly
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:57:26 +0000 (GMT)
On Jan 21, James A. Smith wrote:
> Ah, I've got the chorus to "too much sunshine" in my head now... it's as
> good as when I heard it in Toronto and Montreal! Love it!
Sorry to jump on your message instead of starting my own...
I have spent most of this morning listening to Too Much Sunshine (I've
recorded it to a wave file so I'm not hammering the real audio server to
the detriment of other people.)
I just want to take the opportunity to say that I think that one song is
fantastic. Everytime it ends I stick it right back on again. Golden Age is
a nice song, but not quite as catchy. All I can say is this - if the rest
of the songs on Capricornia are half as exciting as Too Much Sunshine,
then it's going to be one hell of an album.
And dare I say it, catchy enough to pull in a lot of new fans as well. I
hope the record companies pull their fingers out of their arses and make
sure there are plenty of singles released this time!
Maurice R. Kelly