[Powderworks] The Real Thing Thang
Julian Shaw
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 21:26:39 -0000
I would have thought Redneck would be the perfect album to introduce people.
Heavy and modern sounding. Fresh and intelligent. It's the album I always
turn to now when I need a fix of Oils.
Julian Lewis Shaw
Man, Myth or Monkey? Find out:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bjorn Blomquist" <bjorn.blomquist@mbox301.swipnet.se>
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>; "Jussi Korhonen" <jussihk@kolumbus.fi>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 7:28 PM
Subject: SV: [Powderworks] The Real Thing Thang
> > Re: Initiating people to Oils: Whatever you do, don't give them Redneck
> > Wonderland as the first album. I tried that once and got informed that
> > is a piece of..
> Don't say never!
> I sent an mp3 of "Blot" to a friend of mine who had never listened to
Midnight Oil. He is more into that kind of hard music, so I thought he might
like the song, even though I mostly wanted to show how "odd" the Oils can
be. And yes, he did like it! He later came over and borrowed my 'Redneck
Wonderland' cd, and he told me that "there were more good songs on it...
'White skin black heart' was good".
> /Bjorn
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