[Powderworks] Goat Island this saturday????
Tari, Vince
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 02:45:18 -0600
> G'day all
> I was just wondering weather or not goat island is on this saturday?
> The rage website still says its coming soon. Can someone
> clarify this 4 me?
> BTW i've now uploaded uploaded Redneck Ramblings to the FTP
> site and i'm
> bout to start on the 4 new live songs, Golden age, lurjita
> way, tone poem
> adn stand your ground. Enjoy
> Matt
Don't think it's this Sat nite Matt. It still says "coming soon" on the Rage
website. Besides, they've got all those old Countdown re-runs from the 70s &
80s on Saturday night, and we definitely know there'll be NO Oils to be seen
on that particular show.