Re[1]: [Powderworks] The Real Thing Thang
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:03:34 +0000 (GMT)
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Hey, my taste is amazing too!
Okay, I'm not as much into The Church as some of you. I'm not on a list fo=
r them or anything, and only have 2 of their recordings. But I like them.
Actually, years ago, before I knew either The Church or The Oils, I saw bot=
h featured in the same ad in my little Columbia House music club brochure. =
I was trying to get into new and different music, and the descriptions of =
both sounded very interesting. Just having bought my first CD player, I jo=
ined the CD club and ordered both _Diesel and Dust_ and _Starfish_ among my=
first selections. (A friend of mine already played "Beds Are Burning" for=
me, and I think I heard at least "Under the Milky Way", and maybe other Ch=
urch songs, from another friend.)
Of the whole lot of CDs, _Diesel and Dust_ - my first listen to The Oils (a=
ssuming "Sun City" doesn't count) - was by far my favorite! I definitely l=
iked and still like _Starfish_ too though. I was interested to hear more o=
f The Oils in particular though, and soon bought _10 to 1_ at a discount (t=
he fools!!), and borrowed _Red Sails_ from the library - impressed by both.=
Then _Blue Sky Mining_ came out shortly thereafter, and after sufficient =
time to work its way into my ears, skin, brain, and soul, I officially had =
a new favorite band!
The point is, I first learned of both bands at the same time, but then just=
took different roads with them.
-----Original Message-----
>From : Stephen Scott <nornirn@lycos.co.uk>
To : powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
Date : 18 January 2002 13:08:43
Subject : Re[1]: [Powderworks] The Real Thing Thang
I've seen both Julian and Lou on the seance newsgroup for the
>Church. It makes me feel good that I am not the only one with
>an amazing taste in music.
>Keep the faith.
>> -------Original message-------
>> From lou <loulou@zip.com.au>
>> Date 18/01/2002 13:09:35
>> yay Julian!
>> I love it when someone else mentions the Church :)
>> later
>> Lou
>> At 21:05 17/01/02 +0000, Julian Shaw wrote:
>> >In case any of you UK Powderworkers are also fans of The
>Church - be aware
>> >that they are playing in Camden on 22 and 23rd of Feb and
>Leeds on the 21st.
>> >And if you are not fans yet then I suggest you check them
>out. They have
>> >great guitar interplay like the Oils...although their music is
>not quite as
>> >heavy and certainly not as political...more spiritual. But if
>you like the
>> >Oils becauase they don't sing love songs all the time you
>will like this
>> >great band.
>> >
>> >Many thanks.
>> >
>> >Julian Lewis Shaw
>> come up and see my etchings...no, really...
>> http://www.geocities.com/loubottle/
>> CD launch - for gig review and setlist go to
>> http://www.geocities.com/matt_finish_site/
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