[Powderworks] Quick Lyric Trivia question
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 16:51:17 +0000 (GMT)
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Which ones mention cockatoos?
-----Original Message-----
>From : =3D?iso-8859-1?q?Lina=3D20Yune?=3D <midoil2001@yahoo.com.au>
To : leppo@pobox.com; Peter Scott Poitras <pete.poitras@the-spa.com>
CC : Powderworks@cs.colorado.eduDate : 18 January 2002 12:01:26
Subject : Re: [Powderworks] Quick Lyric Trivia question
> I would like to add In The Valley......I am listening to it right now as =
I was reading the trivia question.....Strange conincidence....
> Melissa Higuchi <mel@higuchi.org> wrote: hercules and now or never land =
of course.
>amazing what thing repeated listening will lodge in your brain
>Peter Scott Poitras=20
>> Ok folks.
>> Doing a bunch of bootleg =93name each track=93 CD snippets, and noticed =
>> similarity between two songs that I never did before, leading to this tr=
>> question:
>> Which two Oils song mention =93South Pacific=93 in their lyrics?
>> If it doesn't roll off your tongue as second nature, then I feel a bit
>> better. Answers to follow later. Enjoy the frustration, if any...
>> Pete
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