[Powderworks] Quick Lyric Trivia question
Maurice R. Kelly
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 08:58:12 +0000 (GMT)
On Jan 17, Peter Scott Poitras wrote:
> Doing a bunch of bootleg "name each track" CD snippets, and noticed a
> similarity between two songs that I never did before, leading to this trivia
> question:
> Which two Oils song mention "South Pacific" in their lyrics?
THe answer's already been given, but for those who wouldn't have gotten it
so quickly, there's always...
mmmmmmmmsearch by lyricmmmmmmmm
Although in those songs I actually put in "South Pacific" and
"South-Pacific" which means the search only returns one or the other -
tricky, tricky me :-)
Maurice R. Kelly