[Powderworks] Quick Lyric Trivia question
Melissa Higuchi
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 03:26:46 -0000
hercules and now or never land of course.
amazing what thing repeated listening will lodge in your brain
Peter Scott Poitras <pete.poitras@the-spa.com> said:
> Ok folks.
> Doing a bunch of bootleg "name each track" CD snippets, and noticed a
> similarity between two songs that I never did before, leading to this trivia
> question:
> Which two Oils song mention "South Pacific" in their lyrics?
> If it doesn't roll off your tongue as second nature, then I feel a bit
> better. Answers to follow later. Enjoy the frustration, if any...
> Pete
> http://www.the-spa.com/pete.poitras/oils/oilscollection.html (always a work
> in progress)
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