Re[1]: [Powderworks] Best Oils album for introduction
Stephen Scott
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 03:17:48 -0700 (MST)
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Sorry mate, but I think Gunbarrel Highway is one of the Oils
best songs. I think it's a fitting ending to D&D. Great
harmonies, great riff, great lyrics. Definately in my top 5,
along side Naked Flame, Scream in Blue, Kosciosko & Is it Now
"This is a mad house"
> -------Original message-------
> From LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au
> Date 17/01/2002 01:41:22
> To add to that, Gunbarrel was not on the original Aus. vinyl
LP, but i remember the first time i
> heard it on a juke box at my local i liked it and was spewing
because it wasn't on the album.
> I later got it on the CD though : - )
> IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
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> E-MAIL: lloyd_ian@canon.com.au
> Jeff
> Sent by:
> powderworks-admin@cs.co Subject:
[Powderworks] Best Oils album for
> lorado.edu
> 16/01/2002
> g'day andy,
> you wrote :
> But is it just me, or does Gunbarrel Highway seem like an
> I've only heard it a couple of times, and to me, it doesn't
quite fit
> with
> the character of the other songs on the album. But what do
I know? :)
> poor gunbarrel! that's a GREAT song. we were talking
about fave bits
> of songs before. well, that key shift (or whatever happens
in the
> middle of the song when they sing something like "nothing
can be longer
> than a corrigated roooooooaaaaddddd..." is awesome.
unfortunately, my
> GH is scratched to buggery so on the rare occasions when i
hear it all
> the way through, i revell in it...
> cheers,
> joffa
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