[Powderworks] CDNOW interview
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:24:35 +1100
That quote sums up the band totally i think, it is also the reason that i appreciate them so much
and a major reason that they have been around as long as they have.
To follow that up i think they really appreciate their fans and will always take time out to speak
and sign autographs when they can!
Long live the mighty Oils!!!
IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
CANON - Business Imaging Solutions Group
Level 2, 1 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde 2113
PH: (02) 9805 2384
FAX: 1800 352227
E-MAIL: lloyd_ian@canon.com.au
Sent by: To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
powderworks-admin@cs.co cc:
lorado.edu Subject: [Powderworks] CDNOW interview
17/01/2002 07:04
Nice interview....here's a quote I particularily liked:
"We always felt that once we had a platform for our music we weren’t going to repeat ourselves and
become idiot puppets -- preserving ourselves in castor oil and behind eyeliner as we promenaded
around the world playing pop star."
And maybe that's why they aren't more popular- they refuse to buy in to mainstream-top 40 culture.
Seriously, look around at the music that is top 40 these days, and tell me how you fit a band like
midnight oil into that environment.