[Powderworks] Best Oils album for introduction
Vesa Laine
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 21:55:04 +0200
On Wednesday 16 January 2002 16:19, nina wrote:
> IMHO, even though the older stuff may sound kind of dated and "risky" to
> suggest to a new listener, it is the music that draws a listener in much
> quicker. if a new listener's taste jives with the oils sound, their older
> work should be introduced before their newer work.
Gotta agree with that. After being introduced (initiated?) to Oils (I
voluntarily asked my oily friends to do that) I went to a record store and
bought D&D and TRT. Though MO hit me hard from the beginning (I suggested it
would) it still took some time to absorb the songs on these albums. Later I
got "Head injuries" and loved all of it at once, the more rocking songs of
"Midnight Oil" sounded almost as good. HI is still my favourite album along
with "Earth and Sun and Moon".
To get people to the oily side of the force, I would do the same as my
friends did to me: show them live videos, especially something like "Capitol
theatre 1982" or "Goat Island". _Nothing_ on the albums compares to what
these guys are on stage! The raw energy itself is enough to knock anyone to
the right course. Hope they come to Finland later this year, or somewhere in
Europe at least...
It's been interesting to read that I'm not the only one that has found RSITS
a hard album to begin with. At first I kept listening to it about once a week
for there seemed to be some potential in those songs, they just didn't take
their place immediately. Then, after a couple of months, one by one the songs
sort of opened up and some have become my all time favourites. "Helps me
helps you" seems to divide opinions greatly, I think it's a great song and
must be a real punch in concert (but it definitely needs a didg).
How many Midnight Oil fans does it take to change a light bulb?
None. You wouldn't read about it!