[Powderworks] Best Oils album for introduction
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 14:51:35 EST
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> What got me into the Oils as much as anything was 20K
> RSL. I had copies of Diesel and Breathe and even
> though I liked them both since they were so different
> from each other I was a little confused as to the
> direction of the band. Then I got 20K RSL and heard
> the variety of the songs and sounds and politics and I
> got hooked. So maybe 20K RSL is a good intro album.
> Randy
Yeah 20000W RSL did it for me too. Until then I only knew ESM, so this was a
pretty different sound. It took awhile for me to appreciate all the songs on
the album, (2 years actually) but it's a nice overview, it can give the
listener an idea of what the oils have been doing over their career. What it
lacks is the unity or "context" that others albums have.
Due to my rather limited oils collection, I would probably lend this one out
first, unless another one was more suitable to the particular person.
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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>
<BR><BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">What got me into the Oils as much as anything was 20K
<BR>RSL. I had copies of Diesel and Breathe and even
<BR>though I liked them both since they were so different
<BR>from each other I was a little confused as to the
<BR>direction of the band. Then I got 20K RSL and heard
<BR>the variety of the songs and sounds and politics and I
<BR>got hooked. So maybe 20K RSL is a good intro album.
<BR>Yeah 20000W RSL did it for me too. Until then I only knew ESM, so this was a pretty different sound. It took awhile for me to appreciate all the songs on the album, (2 years actually) but it's a nice overview, it can give the listener an idea of what the oils have been doing over their career. What it lacks is the unity or "context" that others albums have.
<BR>Due to my rather limited oils collection, I would probably lend this one out first, unless another one was more suitable to the particular person.