[Powderworks] Best Oils album for introduction
Randy Van Vliet
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 09:12:19 -0800 (PST)
What got me into the Oils as much as anything was 20K
RSL. I had copies of Diesel and Breathe and even
though I liked them both since they were so different
from each other I was a little confused as to the
direction of the band. Then I got 20K RSL and heard
the variety of the songs and sounds and politics and I
got hooked. So maybe 20K RSL is a good intro album.
--- Serandipitey@aol.com wrote:
> I personally wouldn't go for Blue Sky Mining first.
> It was the second album I
> bought by MO and I really didn't go for it. 10-1 is
> probably a good choice,
> it's a classic. What about Earth and Sun and Moon?
> It's pretty different from
> D&D and would add a nice element of contrast. It's a
> catchy album, and not as
> challenging as some other Oils music (I find). Or
> maybe I just say this cause
> I love the album.;)
> Personally I'd reflect on the tastes of the person
> in question, and try to
> find what would best suit their tastes.
> Varina
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