[Powderworks] Best Oils album for introduction
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 09:19:35 -0500
I lent a bunch of cd's to a cow-worker, who already owned Scream in Blue and
Diesel, but hadn't listened to them in forever and had lost interest.
So I gave him, 10-1 and Redneck to give a listen to. I thought those 2 would
be good because one is the album that put them on the map (in Oz) and other
represents their current sound. He liked them both initially, then became
much more drawn to 10-1 and asked to borrow more older cd's.
Also, at work lat year, my friend and I were working late and taking turns
playing songs from our favorite bands (I was playing oils songs and she was
playing blur songs). All of the songs she responded to positively were older
and another co-worker kept piping up with interest in the older songs too
-except for "Last of the Diggers" which they both really liked even though
it was newer.
IMHO, even though the older stuff may sound kind of dated and "risky" to
suggest to a new listener, it is the music that draws a listener in much
quicker. if a new listener's taste jives with the oils sound, their older
work should be introduced before their newer work.
On 1/15/02 12:26 PM, "Andy Gillcrist" <andrewg@nwlink.com> wrote:
> I just loaned Blue Sky Mining to a friend who, up till now, had only heard
> Beds Are Burning, which she liked. I was sadly dumbfounded when she
> returned it with a somewhat less than lukewarm impression, saying "it
> just didn't click." Seriously questioning her ability to judge good music, I
> got her to take another chance and accept Diesel and Dust for a week,
> thinking that the Oils' most popular album (most mainstream?) must have
> something going for it. Well, three weeks later she's still listening, and
> doesn't want to return it! Looks like we've got another new convert. :)
> So hmm, what to give her next? I'm thinking 10,9,8 because of Power
> & the Passion, Short Memory, and Read About It. Hoping those are
> strong enough to carry the album for her, but am worried that leading
> off with Outside World won't create the best first impression, and Scream
> and Somebody are, let's just say, acquired tastes.
> I have to say that IMO, D&D has the most songs that'll appeal to the
> unwashed masses. I mean, every song on there is pretty much a home
> run -- with only Whoah and Arctic World (both of which I love) perhaps
> not standing quite as tall as the rest, but only because they don't have
> that driving punching power of the others. Beds, Dreamworld, Wara-
> kurna, Dead Heart, and Sell My Soul are total smashing classics, and
> Weapon, Bullroarer, and Sometimes are just as good.
> But is it just me, or does Gunbarrel Highway seem like an afterthought?
> I've only heard it a couple of times, and to me, it doesn't quite fit with
> the character of the other songs on the album. But what do I know? :)
> Again, this is all MHO, whatever it's worth.
> Andy
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