[Powderworks] Capricornia/Golden Age trade
Mike Blackwood
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 23:31:07 -0330 (NST)
On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Goddard, Darren wrote:
> I'm chilled dude ;-). I only asked as I'm of the opinion that the live Oily
> goodness we all have should be shared for the cost of postage and CD's and
> the proviso that the person I send the bootlegs to will pass them onto
> another Oils fan. I have 15ish Oils bootlegs and am willing to pass them
> onto any good intentioned Oils fan that makes the time to join us on this
> list (and send me blank CD's and money for postage and will agree to pass
> them onto other fans when the opportunity arrives). I hate the fact that I
> had to beg, plead and just about kill my grandma to get some of my bootlegs.
I remember that feeling when I started my Neds Atomic Dustbin bootleg
collection... I didn't have as much difficulty when it came to my oils
collection bacause I hit on a few particulary generous list members like
Garret Hachkowski (sp?) and Oli Draper. Anyway, I'm not stingy with my
bootlegs at all, and usually I trade them for other bootlegs or cheap
second hand CD's that I'm looking for.
As for the blanks-and-postage system, I've done it that way before, though
seldom. I usually try to use the rareness-value of my cd-r's to
compensate for their low cash-value, because as a student I'm dirt poor,
and trading above the monetary value of my offerings is often the only way
I can get someting if it's not widely released here in Canada.
I don't see any moral conundrum in trading cd-r's for originals because
anyone who takes such a deal obviously REALLY wants the material I'm
offering and/or money isn't an issue for them... It's a win-win
situation, if you look at it that way.
> P.S> I don't have some of the boots that Mike has so if your after something
> of Mikes then do the trade with him, I'm not trying to cut into any deals
> the Mike might make with regard to the new album. In fact Mike if your keen
> on getting it quickly and you don't have any offers drop me some cash and
> I'll pick it up and send it to you.
Well, it I wasn't dirt poor, I'd order from some Aussi internet
distributor and save all the hassle! Thanks for the offer, though. What
boots have I got that you need, anyway? Maybe you have some I lack and we
can work a trade... ;-)
Gotta love Powderworks... what would've become a flame war on any other
list became a civilized, rational discussion on this list! 8-)
hold together,
Mike "Elixir" Blackwood