[Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 16:30:03 -0500
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>> >I don't like When the Generals Talk much, the music is pretty ridiculou=
> that=B9s why I love When The Generals Talk! - makes me smile =AD it=B9s such a
> different sounding song from so many of their other songs.
> I have to say =AD I bought Red Sails about 7 years ago and it pretty much j=
> sat in my collection for the past 6.5 years with only being played a hand=
> of times. then, when I was driving all over the northeast to see the oils
> shows this past november, I had Red Sails in the cd player the whole time=
=AD it
> has now worked it=B9s way to the top of my list as one of my fav=B9s. I=B9ve b=
> addicted to it =AD it=B9s the only thing I want to listen to anymore! funny =AD=
> could honestly say that at different times, I=B9ve had different favorites =
> Diesel, Head Injuries, Place, and now Red Sails =AD hmm.. which album will
> rotate next to the top??!!
> -nina
On 1/14/02 2:44 PM, "Serandipitey@aol.com" <Serandipitey@aol.com> wrote:
> Hi,=20
> Thanks for all the responses. Let me say that already I like the album a
> little bit more than when I sent my original message, and about ten times=
> than the first time I listened to it! (about 4-5 days ago) So it's coming
> along. It's definately got a very strange style though, the songs, and ev=
> different parts of the same songs, don't seem to fit together. I'm gettin=
g a
> feel for the intensity of the album, which is a quiet intensity, not a RW
> intensity.=20
> Jim, you're right, the lyrics are great. Very very strong. So far I think=
> favorite song is Who Can Stand in the Way?, also Kosciusko, Sleep, and Mi=
> to Midnight are very good. I don't like When the Generals Talk much, the =
> is pretty ridiculous. As for Helps Me Helps You, it's probably one of the
> worst songs I've heard by the Oils, but I like it despite myself. Good ly=
> And it's kinda fun, too. Jimmy Sharman's Boxers is good too, but difficul=
t to
> listen to.=20
> Ciao,=20
> Varina=20
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<TITLE>Re: [Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions</TITLE>
don't like When the Generals Talk much, the music is pretty ridiculous.<=
that’s why I love When The Generals Talk! - makes me smile – it=
’s such a different sounding song from so many of their other songs.<B=
I have to say – I bought Red Sails about 7 years ago and it pretty mu=
ch just sat in my collection for the past 6.5 years with only being played a=
handful of times. then, when I was driving all over the northeast to see th=
e oils shows this past november, I had Red Sails in the cd player the whole =
time – it has now worked it’s way to the top of my list as one o=
f my fav’s. I’ve been addicted to it – it’s th=
e only thing I want to listen to anymore! funny – I could honestly say=
that at different times, I’ve had different favorites – Diesel,=
Head Injuries, Place, and now Red Sails – hmm.. which album will rota=
te next to the top??!!<BR>
On 1/14/02 2:44 PM, "Serandipitey@aol.com" <Serandipitey@aol.c=
om> wrote:<BR>
Thanks for all the responses. Let me say that already I like the album a li=
ttle bit more than when I sent my original message, and about ten times more=
than the first time I listened to it! (about 4-5 days ago) So it's coming a=
long. It's definately got a very strange style though, the songs, and even d=
ifferent parts of the same songs, don't seem to fit together. I'm getting a =
feel for the intensity of the album, which is a quiet intensity, not a RW in=
tensity. <BR>
Jim, you're right, the lyrics are great. Very very strong. So far I think m=
y favorite song is Who Can Stand in the Way?, also Kosciusko, Sleep, and Min=
utes to Midnight are very good. I don't like When the Generals Talk much, th=
e music is pretty ridiculous. As for Helps Me Helps You, it's probably one o=
f the worst songs I've heard by the Oils, but I like it despite myself. Good=
lyrics. And it's kinda fun, too. Jimmy Sharman's Boxers is good too, but di=
fficult to listen to. <BR>
Ciao, <BR>
Varina</FONT> <BR>