[Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:06:47 +0000 (GMT)
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I agree, much Oils music takes a few listens (at least) to be properly appreciated, and _Red Sails_ probably most of all. My first listen (borrowed it from the library!) was after I already got into _Diesel and Dust_, but that was my only Oils exposure until _Red Sails_ (and _10 to 1_, which I heard for the first time either shortly before or shortly after _Red Sails_).
After several listens, I liked _Red Sails_ overall - that is, I liked more songs than I didn't - but there were definitely a few I didn't like so much. "Jimmy Sharmann's Boxers" was one of my early favorites, and "Minutes to Midnight" as well. On the other hand, I didn't like "Sleep" at all for a long time, but now I do.
I definitely would not lend this CD to anyone who wasn't already somewhat exposed to the Oils.
-----Original Message-----
>From : The Oilman <TheOilman@new.rr.com>
To : Serandipitey@aol.com; powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
Date : 14 January 2002 04:29:02
Subject : Re: [Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions
Red Sails is definitely my favorite Oils CD and listen to it all the time. They will never top this album. If I recall the story on Bakerman, they wrote it as a sort of thank you for the band that did all the horn work on the other tracks. Some high scholl band?? I don't exactly recall but as a thank you they included on the disc. I think its a great way to lighten the mood of some of the other dark and depp meaning tracks it is surrounded with.
>Keep listening if you're an Oils fan its sure to sink in!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Serandipitey@aol.com
> To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
> Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 4:27 PM
> Subject: [Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions
> Hello all you workers, hope the new year's going well for you. (Are you keeping your resolutions?)
> I picked up Red Sails in the Sunset this week, and have listened to it 5-6 times up till now. As someone who's more familiar with the Oils' newer music (ie: 90's) I admit I don't quite know what to make of it. Lyrically, it's fine, the politics are fine, it's the music that's a bit wierd to me. (it could just be part of my deeply ingrained bias against 80's music)
> I was wondering what other people thought of this album? Is it anyone's favorite, or least favorite? And the song Bakerman-- what the hell?? That's not intended to be a rude question, I just have no idea where this song came from, does anyone know the story behind it?
> In the end the album will probably grow on me....to the point where I love it, but right now I'm just a tad bit bewildered by it all...
> On another subject, has anyone else had trouble getting into the Powderworks archive in the past few days? My computer keeps telling me that the server is down. Anyone know what's going on?
> One month and.... six days till Capricornia is released here. I hope it won't be too hard to track down here in North America. Have many people heard the new single on the radio? I've been listening but I don't know if there are any stations in Montreal that would actually play it. Radio here sucks.
> Anyway enough random thoughts from me today
> Take care everyone
> Varina
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