[Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions
Jeff and Jane Scott
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 02:07:35 +0800
At 13/01/02 05:27 -0500, Serandipitey@aol.com wrote:
>I picked up Red Sails in the Sunset this week, and have listened to it 5-6
>times up till now. As someone who's more familiar with the Oils' newer
>music (ie: 90's) I admit I don't quite know what to make of it. Lyrically,
>it's fine, the politics are fine, it's the music that's a bit wierd to me.
>(it could just be part of my deeply ingrained bias against 80's music)
>I was wondering what other people thought of this album?
Red Sails was the beginning of my Oils experience, so for that reason it'll
always be one of my favourites. at around the same time i got into Red
Sails, i taped the Goat Island show on TV. since that starts with the first
four songs from Red Sails, those songs became the soundtrack to my life at
that time!
apart from that, i love the rest of the album! it is indeed quite
different from anything else they've done, which is also one of it's
attractions. i don't listen to it much these days, but if i'm ever looking
for a something a little different it's the CD i go for. and once i put it
on, i usually leave it on for a week or two.
> And the song Bakerman-- what the hell?? That's not intended to be a rude
> question, I just have no idea where this song came from, does anyone know
> the story behind it?
the story as i've heard it was that they had a Japanese high school band
doing all the horn parts for the album. one day the band were there ready
to go, but the Oils didn't have any tracks ready for them. so Rob wrote
this little tune for them on the spot to keep them occupied!