[Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions
James Warren
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 18:26:56 -0800
Serandipitey@aol.com wrote:
> I picked up Red Sails in the Sunset this week, and have listened to it
> 5-6 times up till now. As someone who's more familiar with the Oils'
> newer music (ie: 90's) I admit I don't quite know what to make of it.
> Lyrically, it's fine, the politics are fine, it's the music that's a
> bit wierd to me. (it could just be part of my deeply ingrained bias
> against 80's music)
> I was wondering what other people thought of this album? Is it
> anyone's favorite, or least favorite? And the song Bakerman-- what the
> hell?? That's not intended to be a rude question, I just have no idea
> where this song came from, does anyone know the story behind it?
> In the end the album will probably grow on me....to the point where I
> love it, but right now I'm just a tad bit bewildered by it all...
> On another subject, has anyone else had trouble getting into the
> Powderworks archive in the past few days? My computer keeps telling me
> that the server is down. Anyone know what's going on?
The first time I listened to Red Sails, I did not
like it. It wasn't until I became an Oil fanatic
that I decided I should pull it off the shelf and
give it another chance. To make a long story short,
it took a bit longer for me to like, but now it
is one of my favorites.
And in my opinion, lyrically it is not just fine;
it is great. That's the main reason I like it so
much. If it weren't for the lyrics, I don't think
the music itself would be that interesting to me,
but somehow, the music has a way of giving power
and intensity to what is said in the songs.