Re[1]: [Powderworks] Track listing for Capricornia from Liquid8
Stephen Scott
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 06:23:48 -0700 (MST)
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Bloody typical. I wonder why they left the U.K. out? Ah well, it
was cheaper to buy in online from Oz anyway.
> -------Original message-------
> From Andr=E9 Fromme <afromme@gmx.de>
> Date 13/01/2002 12:00:48
> need to correct you there -
> I think TRT was released in the whole of Europe except the
UK (still available
> in most record shops I know, plus amazon.de)
> Germany even got the limited edition (which was identical to
the Oz one except
> the double CD slim case was a little different, plus the CDs
were made in
> Austria, not Australia)
> later,
> andr=E9
> Stephen Scott wrote:
> Sorry Justin, I'll pay more attention next time. It's a
> I've had since school days. I guess Europe will get Say your
> prayers too as TRT wasn't released in the U.K. (Just in
> as far as I know.)
> Cheers for all the info.
> Regards
> Stephen
> "This is a mad house"
> -------Original message-------
> From "Justin H" <justinh@jeack.com.au>
> Date 13/01/2002 02:42:29
> Nah, I wasnt wrong, I said the US release would have "say
> your prayers" on it.
> So its still 11 by my count for the rest of the world.
> Depending on what Euro
> gets.
> Justin
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