SV: [Powderworks] Capricornia Cower Art
Stephen Scott
Mon, 7 Jan 2002 08:25:41 -0700 (MST)
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Hi Bjorn,
I live in London and certainly will not be waiting. I'll order it
from http://www.rockinghorse.net or
http://www.whammo.com.au or http://www.redeye.com.au
It works out slightly cheaper than buying it in the shops in the
U.K. I wonder if there will be any special edition like there was
with TRT, where they had the videos and interview CD?
I can't believe the Church and the Oils releasing new material
within days of each other. What a start to the new year.
Best regards
> -------Original message-------
> From Björn Blomquist
> Date 07/01/2002 11:47:27
> Nice to see what the cover will look like, but what
> has the COW to do with the theme of the album? I don't
expect it to cover the
> European "mad cow disease" hysteria, which is old hat now
anyway. If the animal
> was an ibex (Capricorn) I'd get it, but a cow?
> Well, who knows really? We haven't heard the album
> yet.
> Speaking of that, the release dates February 11
> (AUS) and 19 (US) are thrilling, but how long must we poor
Europeans wait
> for it? 11 or 19 April? Probably...
> Just quite a month left! Heck, I'm thinking about
> ordering it from Australia after all. Does Whammo (or some
other place) accept
> payment in cash? Got to check it out.
> How about you Euro Powderpeople - are you going to
> wait for the album release here?
> /Bjorn
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