SV: [Powderworks] Capricornia Cower Art
Maurice R. Kelly
Mon, 7 Jan 2002 11:07:37 +0000 (GMT)
On Jan 7, Björn Blomquist wrote:
> How about you Euro Powderpeople - are you going to wait for the album release here?
Nope. Well, yes and no. I'm going to order it from Australia. Might order
it from the US as well (definitely will if the artwork/packaging is in
any way different.)
But I'll definitely be buying the Euro version when it comes out - gotta
support the band here as well. I'd encourage any Euro worker planning to
get their copies early from Aus/USA to also buy a Euro copy. We're
shooting ourselves in the feet otherwise.
(I'm also considering buying a few extra copies and passing them round to
family/friends as gifts - try to spread the word a bit.)
Maurice R. Kelly