[Powderworks] NMOC -- everyone OK?
Rich Karakoudas
Sun, 06 Jan 2002 04:45:20 +0000
I just arrived here in Boston Thursday night. It was nice to see coverage of
the fires but how appaling it was to me that all the by lines refer to the
loss of as many as a thousand Koalas. That is all I here evrey time the
fires are mentioned. Sad that every one only relates to Australia by K bears
and Shrimp on the BBQ. (Except for knowledgable workers of course).
No mention of the loss of almost 200 homes, thousands of indigenous animals,
acrs of bush, and a miracle no one has died.
I must give a nod to WGBH who broadcast a half hour special on it and I got
some decent news. Bob Carr said he is going to get those responsible for
setting them to work cleaning up.
It is especialy hard as I spent my last 2 weeks in Australia clearing brush
and hosing down my back yard watching fires just kilometers away. Now I am
half way around the world and no way of protecting my house in case. Those
of you who have been out to my house know the possible danger I could be in.
One thing I do know, my great neighbours would do whatever to help out. Go
Rich Karakoudas
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