[Powderworks] Monkeys for Christmas!
Julian Shaw
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 16:40:22 -0000
Monkey Lovers and Powderworkers
Just a friendly e-mail to let you know that for all those of you who
couldn't be bothered to buy my new CD Man, Myth or Monkey (and at only £2
what is up with you!!) you can now download a few tracks in mp3 format from
my web site!
The song Teflon Heart (lyrics written by Mathias Harmansson using various
Midnight Oil lines) can be downloaded in mp3 (along with some unusual (!!?)
versions of Midnight Oil classics that originally appeared on various
tribute CD's...)
visit: www.jlshaw.co.uk and click on the "I want to download" link.
For everyone who already has my CD there are also a few more "classics" on
there from when I couldn't play or sing...hmmm "what's changed?" I hear you
say. Well at least you will see that I have been improving, well the drum
machine helps... The classics to look out for also include two The Many
Faces of Eddie songs - live 4-track versions of "It's Over" and "What Will
Our Children Say?" Great little stocking fillers for sure!!
Have fun...
The Elf Monkey.
Ho, ho, ho...