[Powderworks] NMOC -- everyone OK?
Tue, 01 Jan 2002 22:40:16 +1100
heyup all,
my latest bushfires story - a bunch of friends and I went up to the
Macquarie Centre (big shopping mall) today, to see Fellowship of the Ring
and have a bit of air-conditioned relief...we get in to the cinemas...we
buy our tix...the whole shopping centre goes *pfissst* and emergency
lighting comes on. turns out that a fire had started just 2 suburbs away in
North Epping, in a bush reserve, and the power lines servicing the
Macquarie and surrounds runs through that reserve. we got outside to see
amazing billows of smoke, with the huge water-dumping helicopter from
Canada (named Elvis...I kid you not) already in action.
so we repaired to Kates place, she's also just a few suburbs away in
Eastwood, to see some live action on cable of the fire unfolding. we decide
to go to the cinemas in Castle Hill (about 15 mins away) as by now, we
don't just want blessed air conditioned relief, we're bloody determined to
see the Ring! off we go...hours later, mission accomplished, we get out of
the mall to see yet more astounding billows of smoke in the west, the
opposite direction, and the sun setting like a big all-out armageddony red
it's just like '94 all over again - the temps aren't as hot this time, and
not all the roads out of Sydney are blocked like they were back then, but
it's actually more depressing. especially when you know that a lot of these
fires have been deliberately lit...
there's a link to a map showing the fire damage - its from monday, hasn't
been updated to show the new fires, but it's still a bit freaky to look at
if you know Sydney -
p'raps the saddest thing is that over 80% of the Royal National Park has
gone under. it hadn't even recovered from the '94 fires, and now it's just
a big black hole. biodiversity (both flora and fauna) has been totally
crippled...it is/was such a lovely resource and treasure. Lucky Bastard -
that was the park we drove through on our trip south that day! the one with
the winding roads through the gums, and the spectacular view as you exit at
the coastline.
anyway, back to the gritty eyes and coughing!
happy noo yeeeeahhh
At 16:48 1/01/02 +1100, Luke Blackbourn wrote:
>Ditto the best wishes- good luck to the NSW people on the list.
>Ironically, my wife and I have just been pissed upon whilst out walking
>(to use the vernacular). Melbourne is soaking wet and Sydney's cooking!
>Maybe a glimpse of the extremes we can look forward to with the Greenhouse
>taking hold.
>Let's hope 02 sees more sweet, sweet harmony than 01.
>Be peaceful and productive to one another,
>Luke in moist Melbourne
> >From: Powdworker@aol.com
> >To:
> >Subject: [Powderworks] NMOC -- everyone OK?
> >Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 12:33:25 EST
> >
> >Just haven't seen much traffic here -- is everyone OK? Has anyone been
> affected by the wildfires near Sydney? Or is everybody just enjoying the
> holidays?
> >
> >At any rate, I wish you all a happy and Oily 2002!
> >
> >Take care,
> >Patty in Maryland
come up and see my etchings...no, really...
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