[Powderworks] Oils site update
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 10:27:33 +0100 (MET)
actually, it IS still up.
a bit pointlessly, they even updated the news page (about jim's beard, the
"dates" link has gone), but if you don't access that page directly, there is
no way of getting there from the start page.
So just try this:
The media page has been updated with the statement:
If you'd like to see the tour schedule of their last Oz tour (for the time
being - wait for their reunion in 2007...):
> You know....I sure as hell wish the rest of the Oils site was up. Can I
> not
> even skulk around it for a little while until I get used to the fact that
> they're gone? Sometimes I don't understand why these guys do things the
> way
> they do. Just needed to vent. I cannot believe how sad I am about this.
> I've been really busy this week, so the emotion of it is really just
> hitting
> me now. I've loved this band for 16 years -- over half my life -- and I
> just feel this emptiness and I can't even go up on the site and remember.
> This just does not feel like a good goodbye to me. Like they are just
> totally gone after 25 years without any warning or closure or anything --
> without giving me any opportunity to say goodbye in any meaningful or
> personal way. I know that (maybe) they don't owe me anything as a fan. I
> just think it all sucks. Well...that's my wallowing for today.
> Sharon
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