[Powderworks] Re: FTP
Miron Mizrahi
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 08:57:06 -0700 (PDT)
> From: borg <oilsfan@the-borg.org>
> To: "powderworks@cs.colorado.edu" <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
> Subject: [Powderworks] re ftp
> Can someone post the correct ftp site, i keep trying the
> one below, it connects then i get the message below
> midnightoil.dyndns.org
this is the correct site
> 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,10,131,4,86)
> Connecting to port 1110
> Disconnected.
> Data Connection closed
same here. I am not sure why it tries to open port 1110 if in pasv
mode. as far as I know pasv mode should use the control socket for
data connection. try changing you connection settings to pasv. I
tried and it failed but it might work for you.
browsers use pasv mode by default. any one out there who tried a
browser successfully?
> thanks
> Simon
It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
(Midnight Oil)
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