[Powderworks] Live recording from 1983
Mandonnet Jeremie
Tue, 06 Aug 2002 17:31:51 +0200
This show is well known as "Live in Toronto 84" on the list.
The exact date is still a mystery (83 or 84?).
It's a quite nice record, a little bit short I think.
I've tried to get more infos about this with no result.
Maybe TheOilman can help us.
ps: I remember Todd that you told me you doubt about the venue of The Oils that
year in Toronto, do you still?
Chris W. Rea a écrit :
> A colleague who I just discovered was also a big fan of the Oils gave me a
> copy of a good recording of the Oils performing live at the El Macombo here
> in Toronto in 1983. He taped it off FM radio then, but recently transferred
> it to disc. Has anybody else heard this particular show? It's fantastic!
> Given the date, the material is all 10-9-8 and earlier. Quite a gem!
> Regards,
> [ CHRIS W. REA [UL] IT Consultant Toronto, CANADA ]
> [ mailto:cwrea@vex.net http://www.vex.net/~cwrea ]