[Powderworks] Songs Played Live - Or Not
John Palmer
Thu, 01 Aug 2002 21:00:50 -0400
While we are on the subject, I have never seen one of my favorite PWAP songs
listed on a setlist before..."Someone Else To Blame". I don't have it on
any of the 100+ shows I have. I'm sure they tried it out back in 1981 (a
little before my Oil exposure as I was only 10), but since there aren't too
many shows from that time period floating around, that's probably why I've
never seen it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Indi Trehan" <indi@md.northwestern.edu>
To: "Powdwerworks" <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Powderworks] Songs Played Live - Or Not
> agree with the oilman (as always), this is what he said. at some point in
> the development of a song, he said they will have tried it in some form
> before a live audience to see how well it plays. even for songs written
> while they are in the studio, for example much of Breathe, i have to
> imagine that they would play each song at least once afterwards to see how
> much people like it - you never know what people are going to love live
> and i'm sure they give each song at least one shot to catch on.
> just because we've never seen it on a set list doesn't mean it hasn't been
> played. if a tree falls...
> /indi
> On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, The Oilman wrote:
> |I did ask Martin this at the Chicago shows in May, I think Adam and Indi
> |were there to witness his answer. When I asked if they ever played Naked
> |Flame, Bells and Horns, and some of the more less known Oils tracks he
> |simply said definitely, at some point while they were working it out they
> |would have played it. No I can't imagine them ever playing Kolelei Mai
> |some probably never Bakerman but didn't ask about such strange tunes as
> |those.
> |
> |Oilman
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