[Powderworks] Ticket Web Info from my NYC receipt
Kate Adams
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 07:14:56 -0400
TicketWeb is selling the NYC tickets. Information Below
>Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 16:55:02 -0700 (PDT)
>From: TicketWeb Information <info@www1.ticketweb.com>
>To: kate@dnki.net
>Subject: Sale Confirmation
>Reply-To: info@ticketweb.com
>Thursday, April 25 at 7:55 PM EST
>KATHRYN E ADAMS, you have purchased the following:
>Event: Midnight Oil
>Venue: Bowery Ballroom
>Time: Friday, May 24 9:00 PM (8:00 PM doors)
>Quantity: 1
>Delivery: Mail
>Ticket face value: 25.00
>Service fee: 4.13
>Total charges: 29.13
>Are your friends going with you?
>Invite them and find out if they want to go too!
> Please record your confirmation code(s)
>Please allow 12 days for Mail delivery.
>Please address any questions regarding this order to info@ticketweb.com
>If you do not receive your tickets within 72 hours of the event, please
>send an e-mail to
>notix@ticketweb.com. Please include the venue name, event name, event date
>and time,
>and your TicketWeb confirmation code, if available.
>Thank you for choosing TicketWeb.
>Wanna get the most out of your city? Citysearch it!
> http://www.citysearch.com/
Kate Adams
Doctoral Candidate - Epidemiology
University of Massachusetts - Lowell
Department of Work Environment
What passes for youthful idealism in modern America is the fervent belief that
one's stock options will someday be worth something.