[Powderworks] Belated thank-you to fans at KFOG show
Randy Van Vliet
Mon, 1 Apr 2002 09:34:59 -0800 (PST)
I was just looking at the KFOG website to see if there
was going to be a broadcast of the concet (sadly
nothing announced yet) and they have some pictures of
the show, one pretty good one of PG and one with Bones
and PG. The website is www.kfog.com and the link is
about halfway down the page under the "Spring Wing
Ding Wrap-up" Go to that link and the pictures are
there. The link to the pictures off of the home page
doesn't work.
--- NanCohen@aol.com wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first post--I'm a longtime admirer of
> Midnight Oil but the KFOG
> show in March was my first taste of their live
> performance, which was, as I
> guess everyone here knows, just plain
> marvelous--accurate, fierce
> musicianship, & a wonderful ethos to the whole thing
> (have I ever been to any
> kind of musical performance in which the lead singer
> explicitly welcomed
> everyone of every race and culture and orientation?
> Perhaps not even in the
> height of my folk-music days). Pretty much just
> what I thought it would be,
> but better (and in the front row!). I wanted to
> thank the Powderworkers I
> met in line, especially Al, who told me some great
> stuff about MO and their
> work.
> I've seen nothing about when tickets will go on sale
> for the San Francisco
> show at the Warfield. Does anyone have more info?
> It is only five weeks
> away.
> Nan
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