Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] PWOP

treespirit treespirit" <treespirit@bigfoot.com
Thu, 20 Sep 2001 22:49:58 +1000

>From http://www.orca.on.net/dare/queen.html
It's the connection with the union movement that was responsible for us
spending a large chunk of 1996 making a documentary film in Burnie, the town
about which Peter Garrett once coined the phrase, "place without a
postcard." So why do it? At first glance the town appears dull and
unfriendly. The money is not all that good, about half of what SBS or the
AFC would pay for an equivalent documentary. Let's face it with Howard and
his mates in Canberra, making a film for the union movement is starting to
look dangerously unfashionable at this time.

