[Powderworks] STOP
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 09:15:26 -0700 (PDT)
--- Renato Antonio Veneroso da Fonseca
<rveneros@uai.com.br> wrote:
> >
> >'Capricornia" which was written earlier this
> century about life in northern
> >Australia. It is a amazing insight into early
> Australian life, a favourite
> >book of Jim Moginie's.
> Just a question: is this book written by Xavier
> Herbert (there's no question
> mark in my keyboard). If isn't, who wrote it (still
> without a question mark).
> Renato
Yes, the author was Mr. Herbert- the book is out of
print and may take some time to get from (or through)
your library... But it is definitely required
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