[Powderworks] Phoenix Report
The May Home
Sun, 14 Oct 2001 23:19:05 -0700
Ok....just saw my third show (Anaheim, Vegas, and Phoenix tonight) and I
am just completely blown to bits. I've been a fan since the mid-80s and
this was my first set of Oils shows. Dear God, I love these guys. I
hope heaven is a perpetual Oils concert (no religious thread intended).
So...here's the set list, with brief annotations:
Too much sunshine -- I really love all these new songs....
Dream World
Say Your Prayers
Short Memory -- and something about this song in the US right
Blue Sky
Golden Age -- this one has grown on me like a weed -- I can't get it out
of my head
Dead Heart
Forgotten Years
Hercules -- and why didn't I know that I love this song so much? After
all these years....
Weapon....yes weapon....thank you God I got to hear this one
Power & Passion (awesome as always....love the song but the alternate on
the set list was What's so funny, which i would have LOVED to hear them
I am really jealous of you folks who got to hear Diggers....would have
loved that one.
This was the best show of the three I've seen -- the Celebrity Theatre
is in the round and the front row ( I was in the 'second' row but the
people in the first actually sat down...yes, sat down..can you believe
that???!!!....the whole show -- I was about 12 feet from Pete and
Martin) is at the level of the stage, roughly. So they were right there
in front of me instead of 'up' there. They seemed to have more energy
and some girl presented them with a big vaseful of roses and later Peter
threw them out into the audience. It was actually pretty cool. The
crowd was small -- 300-500 which is a bummer for the guys but it turned
out to be a really lively group and because we were curved around them
and there was no curtain or barricade or stage wall, it felt really
intimate. People were dancing a lot more and a group kept yelling
"Kosciusko" but no luck...at the last minute, Martin heard them and
turned around to say something to Rob (which I imagined was, "Hey Rob,
let's play Kosciusko for all the die-hard Oils fans out there in the
Valley of the Sun...you know, the ones who actually know the words to
songs that weren't on Diesel and Dust") but Rob was launching into
Sometimes and that was that.
So, my 2001 Oils experiences are over and I just did not want this
concert to end tonight. I was feeling completely elated and bummed out
at the same time. In another life I was born an Aussie and followed the
Oils around the pubs for the last 20 years (killing millions of brain
cells in the process)....but, that's another life. The guys more than
lived up to my expectations, which were insanely high after 15 years of
long-distance idolatry (in the best sense of the word). What a band.
Now I know why Oz is the lucky country.....
Sharon May
Phoenix, AZ
Hi to everyone I met!!!! Enjoy the rest of the shows! Here's hoping
they really do come back in 2002!!!
By the way....How surprised was I that the one I made the most
consistent eye contact with was Martin. I've always thought of him as
so reclusive and in his own little world -- I really didn't expect him
to be watching people so much but he seemed to be really eyeing the
front rows at all the concerts. And Jim and that guitar playing....man,
my fingers hurt just watching him....I love the acoustic stuff so
much...and, oh yeah, at one point tonight some guy in the audience was
talking on his cell phone during the concert (idiot) and Bones came out
and got the cell phone from him and took it onstage, talking into it and
then laid it down and finished the song -- then he tried to have the
person talk into the mike but it didn't work and he gave the phone
back. It was pretty funny!!! There was a 'runway' type thing that both
he and Pete walked out into the crowd on. Really cool. Ummmm, can't
think of much else. I'm to wired to sleep and too keyed up to
concentrate on anything. I mostly just want to hit the road to the next
concert, but reality calls
By the way again...I've actually grown rather affectionate toward Will
Hoge and the "unknown warmup band" as they call themselves. Hoge is
pretty funny -- he talked a lot more tonight, said that the way the
place was set up made him feel like he was on that VH1 storytellers
documentary thing....lots of self-deprecating humor - seem like nice
guys. The songs on their current album don't do much for me, but a
couple of their new ones for the next album are pretty good, I think.
They, too, did their best set of the three I saw tonight -- something
about the theatre's set-up, I think.
Okay..I really will stop writing...I'm just so damned excited!!!!!!!