[Powderworks] Greetings from the Fillmore!
Tari, Vince
Sat, 13 Oct 2001 03:34:07 -0500
> i am really enjoying hearing all these first-time experiences from all you
guys who've waited so long! it really is worth waiting for isn't it!
I'd like to echo Jeff's comments on this. I'm absolutely lovin' all these
reports from you guys over there in the US, especially the first timers !!!
> >Martin: he can hold his own... most of his moves look to me like
they've been developed through self-preservation as Pete comes flying in
> the opposite direction!
I've always thought Martin has one eye one his guitar, and another eye
following every move PG makes. I've seen PG crash into Martin on many
occasions during one of his arm-flaying, runs across the stage.
> >Rob: Energy, Energy, Energy!
> yep, i don't know why they bother to put mic's on his kit!
Has he brought along the mini corrugated iron water tank for this tour ?
That thing brings a real earthy, outback kind of feel to the show. I'd like
to have been present when they tried to explain exactly what it was at the
airport if they did bring it along.
One thing about the Oils (as you guys are finding out each night) is that
they never do any dud shows. I've heard Rob asked as to why this happens,
and his response is that on any given night, it's always at least one
audience member's "special big night out", so they have no other option
other than to give 100%.......every show
I'm also really glad that the shows seem to be sold
out...............evidence that the Oils flame is still burning strong
stateside. There's nothing more electric than seeing them in full flight in
a packed-to-rafters smallish venue is there guys ?
And in relation to the "OOOOIIIIIILLLLLS" chant (or lack there of), all it
takes is 2 or 3 p'workers to start the ball rolling with the chant, and
you'll soon have the whole house chanting along...........so get to it
workers !!!!!.............it's quite an awesome sound and still gives me
goosebumps after 11 years worth of Sydney gigs