Midnight Oil

[[Powderworks] The Sundogs.]

Jussi Korhonen jussihk@kolumbus.fi
Wed, 03 Oct 2001 17:07:05 +0300

At 13:41 3.10.2001 +0000, Stephen wrote:

 >It was called Sleep. They might have been American. I assumed they were 
Australian as they were signed to the Australian label rooArt, and >the 
singer was the Oils old bassist's nephew.

I found a band called the Sundogs who are from San Francisco. They seem to 
have a web site at http://www.thesundogs.com, but I can't access it so I'm 
not certain if it is up.

Also found some info on the rooArt compilation, it's called Young Blood and 
was released in 1988. But that's about it - from this very little 
information I'd make a guess that the San Francisco Sundogs aren't the same 
band that was on the rooArt compilation, and that the Oz based Sundogs 
didn't make it very far. Just guessing of course!
