[Powderworks] appropriate songs
Jussi Korhonen
Wed, 03 Oct 2001 06:05:34 +0300
> >find this interesting because in the new U. S. News and World Report
> John Leo's "On Society" column deals with the fact that the prevailing
> attitude >on U. S. campuses toward the WTC/Pentagon tragedies is that
> basically "America had it coming."
I think what the "prevailing attitude on U.S. campuses" means is that an
attack like this was on the horizon and therefore not a complete surprise.
What it does NOT mean, however, is that the folks on the campuses accept
the attack or are saying "You asked for it" in your face. Nothing like that.
> >I'm not saying this is how you feel, but you do seem to be more
> concerned with the potential victims in a U. S. campaign against
> terrorism than you >are for those who have suffered so much already in
> this country. I'm not in favor of an indiscriminate campaign against
> terrorism where we just start
Anyone should be concerned about the victims of a military campaign of this
magnitude. The concern should be equal for all parties - do you think that
a victim in the WTC is worth more than a victim in some obscure third world
country you only hear about on CNN?
> >letting the bombs drop killing innocent people, and from what we've seen
> so far the government appears to be using restraint in trying to get to
> those >who perpetrated these horrible acts.
So far I agree the US government has handled the affair quite well, I hope
they continue doing so. Anything done in Afghanistan should also involve
the UN, not just NATO.
> >Hell the average guy on the ground in Afghanistan is probably hoping we
> do something, are
> >you aware of how they are suffering under the Taliban?
Maybe the forces opposing Taleban hope to get US arms (although I figure
everyone in Afghanistan already has plenty of that stuff), but your average
guy on the ground probably doesn't care at all and hopes there will not be
an attack. It'll just create another huge humanitarian disaster, the people
want to survive, not to be liberated. You might want to ask them before you
bomb them.
Jussi at 6 in the morning.