Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] a little help please

Adrian Oates aoates@newsguy.com
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 04:21:37 -0800 (PST)

At Tue, 27 Nov 2001 19:50:28 +0800, you wrote
>At 26/11/01 08:55  -0500, Chris Jansky wrote:
>>Hey workers-
>>I have a show that was taped from the radio around 1990.  It is from the 
>>BSM tour and starts with King of the Mtn. after which Peter greets the 
>>crowd with "Good evening, good evening fellow ausie's and kiwi's.  How are 
>>you tonight?  I know the palms (?) are sitting up in the back.  No, no 
>>that's not true, that's not true.  I spotted your sun tan my friend, it's 
>>alright.  I recognize a refugee from a Yorker andy day of the week."  Then 
>>they kick into Dreamworld.  I was wondering, what does he mean by palms 
>>(if that is what he says), refugee and where is this show.
>"palms" = "poms" ( = english people)
>also "a refugee from Majorca".
>London, 12th May 1990.
>the comment is a reference to the fact that the Oil's travel all that way 
>to play only to find the audience dominated by australians and new zealanders.

I am one of the poms at the back!  Well, up the side anyway.  That was my very
first Oils concert (it was at Wembley Arena) and that's how I understood the
comment as well.

12 years ago?!? Call me a senimental fool but I still have my ticket stub, a
couple of now very thin t-shirts and a stiff neck from looking round the guy
with the big bushman hat who was in front of me... :)

