Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Surprise Brisbane gig tomorrow
From: RM
Date: 12/10/2017, 7:55 am
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, Andrew Pye
CC: RM <ribman@gmail.com>

I've just mailed the Office and the reply was "Rockhampton definitely" and that they'd brought it to the attention of the bookings people. 

It's not Brisbane. Don't buy tickets. Seek refunds. 

On 11 Oct 2017, at 11:48 pm, Andrew Pye apye@tpg.com.au [powderworks] <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:


 I've already bought but my suspicion is because Rocky doesnt appear in the venue choices drop down menu, somehow Cloudland has been entered in in it's place by mistake

On 11 Oct 2017, at 10:44 pm, RM ribman@gmail.com [powderworks] <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote: