Much agree Tim, as with all Oils, I am buying
(pre-order) but I just wish the Oils would take more of a lesson from New Model
Army, Justin is always putting out new items, lots of live albums, DVDs,
B-sides, jewelry, shirts, etc. They really make a lot of items available to
With no US dates this year, I may have to consider
flying to England for the annual Xmas shows!
I will always hold out hope for the box set with
rarities as well as the off chance that the politics have Pete's guts burning
and fires him up to sing about it. I have no doubt that Rob and Jim have Oils
songs in their hip pockets for the off chance that they get to make another
Long Live the Oils,
Todd (The Oilman)
I don't think I can attach pictures but I'll try,
this is the picture that the band signed for me that Rob talks about on page 153
of Willies Bar and Grill, I brought it to Minneapolis for them to sign. Wish I
would have in Madison the day before but I didn't know I was getting backstage
passes to that one, thanks to Liquid8! Nothing funnier than telling Martin, hey
I have a picture I want you to sign tomorrow, he asks what its of, I said an old
picture with him with a beard to which he replies "oh, you are thinking of Jim"
and I tell him, "No, Jim has a beard in it too, and Pete's got hair, its you
alright" and he looks at me stunned, and starts to chuckle with some sort of
reply like "that must be one really OLD picture!!". Yep, 1977
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 10:46
Subject: [powderworks] Re: Essential
Truganini forbid a member of the band actually reads
this thread, the box set will be shelved permanently. And I thought this was a
list for people who *like* Midnight Oil, and saw a sense of community among
self-same. Silly me. Y'all should take a lesson or two from New Model Army's
Tim F.