When i heard the new release was going to be a compilation of previously released studio tracks, my first reaction was "awwww (crikey dingo) not another compilation cd. That makes 4. (i'm including the green disc)
I thought to myself "oh no, have our heroes traded in their Sorry suits for Sony suits ???"
Then i took a step back, took a deep breath, and gave Thanks to a band of blokes (including Gary Morris) who literally saved my life with their music and their actions.
I hear much support for the logging industry
I hear the clear cuts are to remain
I see Clayoquot protectors in custody
I see Raging Grannies in chains
I've listened to the new album a couple of times now, courtesy of The Oils new website, where you too can listen to each track individually For Free
(speaking financially, i'll save my few coins for The Break's new release)
Thank you scmods and The Oilman for sharing so freely, and everyone else who has shared audio/video, photos, interviews, etc
Special Thanks to The Office :)