Doesn't make it any less true.
It looks like a great Best Of, but I don't think anyone on the list was hanging out for a new best of.
A rarities disk, some new live footage, even a DVD version of Black Rain Falls or MTV Unplugged - those I could get excited for.
This? This I do not need, and frankly I'm a little insulted by the idea that I'd buy it just because it comes with a shirt and a bag. (and, let's be fair, the shirt and bag pack is obviously intended for the fans, who else would want it?)
I say this as somebody who bought every album on CD, repurchased every album up to Diesel from iTunes for the remasters, and who will buy them all again when the box set is finally released so I can have the remasters on CD. If they started reissuing old singles disks, I'd probably buy those too.
But I'm not paying $30 for the privilege of listening to the same tracks I already own in a new order.
New website is nice, though.
- Chris
look matey, in the wave of fawning posters tripping over themselves to praise the "Essential Oils", salivating at the prospect of heading off to Woolies, new Oils bag in tow, some have felt compelled to suggest just maybe this release isn't all its cracked up to be. Heaven forbid the sycophants rail at the dissension. Fancy that; an online Midnight Oil discussion group that isn't robust enough to stomach contrary opinion!
Now, can we get back to discussing the merits of collecting coloured vinyl European pressings of Breathe and all things Bones Hillman?
Fair dinkum indeed.