I think I lost my powderfinger beer cooler.
> Crowded House coasters anyone?
> Or INXS chocolate bar (for Taste It).
> Stephen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Jeff and Jane Scott" <
> Sender:
> Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 18:56:55
> To: <
> Reply-To:
> Subject: RE: [powderworks] FW: Essential Oils
> Or the teaspoons!
> From:
> [mailto:
> On Behalf Of Frosty !
> Sent: Sunday, 16 September 2012 6:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [powderworks] FW: Essential Oils
> Lets not forget the Oils board game!
> On 16 September 2012 20:21, Martin Collier <
> wrote:
> I've got a hoodoo gurus lunch box :))
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 16 Sep 2012, at 11:00, Kevin Yates <
kyates@bne.catholic.edu.au> wrote:
> I've got a Split Enz tea towel.
> It's pretty good - for a tea towel.
> From: Koala Sprint <
> Reply-To: "
> <
> Date: Sunday, 16 September 2012 6:38 PM
> To: "
powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au" <
> Subject: Re: [powderworks] FW: Essential Oils
> Icehouse just released a tea towel!
> What next, INXS slippers.
> Stephen
> _____
> From: chris verdich <
> Sender:
> Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 16:24:31 +1000
> To:
> ReplyTo:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [powderworks] FW: Essential Oils
> I agree... This is better than nothing and we get a new tshirt and a
> flash
> bag so I can show it off at my local Woolies! How many times have a band
> released a shopping bag...
> I'm looking forward to hearing a remastered version of these songs and
> hope
> we see the box set sooner than later.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 16/09/2012, at 4:14 PM, "Frosty" <
frostyvesper@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here here! I say top work to the web developers and all at The Office!
> By the sounds of it there is still much to do/release so let's encourage
> Essential Oils and use it to hook those people who arnt as rabid as us!
> Frosty
> On 16/09/2012, at 2:40 PM, "Jeff and Jane Scott" <
> wrote:
> Some news and comments from The Office.
> Hi Guys
> The good folks putting the website together were up half the night but
> we
> got there in the end. The FB posting was made about 3am. That would be
> the
> 3rd time this week Dan's worked past Midnight and started at 7 next day.
> Never let it be said that record company folk are some faceless
> conglomorate
> - they love this band too.
> I am expecting mixed reviews to the news of the release. It's not new
> material and it's not what some people want to see, but it is what the
> band
> want to release at this point in time. It fulfils a promise they made to
> themselves back when 20,000 Watt was released - ie that one day when the
> time felt right to them and they could look back over their entire
> catalogue
> - they would ramp it up to 40,000 and put in the tracks that they think
> belong on a 'Greatest Hits' - not using charts as criteria but choosing
> songs they feel are worthy in their own way - including some that became
> special to them directly because of the interaction between band and
> audience at their shows.
> Some faqs
> We have put a couple of temporary links for fan sites up but they may not
> be
> right and we can do a running change or remove them - I hope to receive
> some
> advice from the list about what should go here. Even the Office draws on
> the fans incredible work in putting together all that information.
> I can't see the free download option on the site just yet, but it will be
> forthcoming - I will find out when and let the list know but it shouldn't
> be
> more than a day or two. There will be a few tracks from Canberra on a
> Radio
> National special which will go to air on Robbie Buck's show 'Inside
> Sleeve'
> on 02 November. You've all got these recordings anyway of course - but
> the
> mix is great.
> In terms of track list, the band were limited to 36 tracks because that's
> all they could shoe-horn on to 2CD format. They would have liked to
> squeeze
> a couple more on there as there were plenty of contendors but they're
> very
> happy with the playlist, the mastering and the way it all flows.
> It's not being released in store in the US at this stage - but fans can
> buy
> it online with free delivery. It is not 'The Essential Midnight Oil' or
> part of that Legacy series, it is "Essential Oils" - ie it's done the
> Oils
> way round. There's a lot of care been put into it.
> We have managed to keep the price very fair on this package. A band T
> shirt
> costs about $35/$40 online - but here you can get that plus the album and
> a
> bag to cut back on all that plastic, for $40 delivered. So even if
> you've
> already bought the music, it's not a bad deal. Gift your old CD on!
> With the new website structure, we may be able to look at fan specials
> further down the track, but for the moment it's "Essential Oils" and I
> for
> one am planning a road trip this weekend just to be able to play it from
> start to finish and take my own journey through this amazing collection.
> (advance copy - perks of the job!)
> Cheers!
> Arlene
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